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Community engagement research and news for local government leaders

Denver Gives Residents $2 Million To Spend With Participatory Budgeting

The Mile High City gave residents a chunk of the budget to spend how they wanted. Community members used Balancing Act from Polco’s Prioritize tool to identify the priorities. The initiative helped the city connect with more residents and regain trust in local government. Learn about the process and find out how residents decided to spend the money.

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Leading Ahead of the Trends: Today’s Top Ten Community Needs

Please join us at NLC for a highly-anticipated session on the top priorities of US residents today. Hear public opinion experts and local government thought leaders discuss national trends that impact cities the most. 11/15, 3:00 pm ET, Georgia World Congress Center - Building C, Room C208-210

Latest Articles and Research

Learn more about public opinion insights and trends leaders should know.


Case Studies

How Fort Knox Used Community Input to Better Life on Base

Military bases need quality actionable constituent input to improve performance. But most don’t have it. Here’s how the Kentucky installation gathered community data they put to use.

Valmarie Turner 2023 Leadership Trailblazer Award Winner


Meet the 2023 Leadership Trailblazer Award Winner: Valmarie Turner

Valmarie Turner, the deserving recipient of the 2023 Leadership Trailblazer Award, has become the mentor that she once had when she was growing in her own local government career.

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The Top Five Local Government Priorities for 21st-Century Leadership

The world is rapidly changing, and with it, communities are facing complex challenges. Now more than ever, we need leaders who can think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions.

What Does It Take to Rethink Budgeting_


ICYMI: What Does It Take to Rethink Budgeting?

Did you miss the last webinar? No worries. Check out the show notes and recording to hear government officials discuss the current state of budgeting and whether they are ready to modernize existing processes.

Shape the Future of Data and Engagement Technology for Local GovernmentPolco Productivity

Data and community engagement technology have transformed local government decision-making. Yet, many governments are unaware of what’s possible.

Polco recently launched self-guided demos so you can see for yourself what it's like to have engagement tools and quality community data at your fingertips.

You also have the opportunity to make it better.

Share your feedback after the tour. Your input will go into improving this technology for local governments everywhere. 

Pick your tour: Human Resources Managers, Small Cities, Budget and Finance Officials, Elected Officials, City Managers

🇺🇸 Happy Veterans Day! 🇺🇸

A heartfelt thank you to all the veterans who served in the armed forces, protecting our people and country. 

Polco takes pride in being a veteran-founded and led company, with several team members who are veterans or part of veteran families. To each member of the armed forces who have served or currently serve, we extend our deepest thanks for your sacrifice and dedication.

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