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Community engagement research and news for local government leaders

How LA Metro Impressed Residents With Its Budget Engagement Outreach

LA riders showed up to a board meeting to compliment the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority on its budget engagement. Read how LA Metro used Polco’s Budget Simulation to get informative rider data on transit spending priorities while educating participants on possible options.

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Webinar - How To Triple the Impact of Priority-Based Budgeting With Public Engagement

It’s time to revolutionize government budget practices with priority-based budgeting (PBB) and community engagement. Without these strategies, cities risk funding less important projects, and residents pay the price. 

Join us on 6/27 to learn how to get started with PBB and engagement. Take the first step toward better, modernized budgeting. 

Register Now!

Latest Articles and Research

Learn more about community engagement and data trends leaders should know.

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Discover Your City’s Quality of Life Performance

Polco's new tool reveals your city's performance based on ten critical areas of livability, ranked by resident priorities.



How Local Government AI Can Enhance Data-Driven Decision-Making

AI in local government has the potential to make decision-making more informed than ever before.

Thrive data to secure grants

Case Studies

How a Health Non-Profit Leverages Polco Data To Secure Critical Grants

Thrive Allen County writes over 60 grants per year. The non-profit turned to Polco to save time on data collection and write stronger applications for the organizations it supports.

ai here local governments ready

Webinar Recordings

AI Is Here. Are Local Governments Ready For It?

Find out how your local government peers are using AI and what they think about the technology's potential.

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Access Free Government Data Resources 

  • Quickly understand your government's performance
  • Get data on your community’s quality of life
  • Have an AI data analyst on your staff

Sign up for a Polco account to access three free resources.

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How Local Governments Engage Residents on Polco 🏛 

We love to see what surveys cities come up with on their own. Check out some recent examples of how local governments use Polco to engage residents and get ideas for yourself! 

  • Alcoa, TN –  Emergency Services Response Survey 🚑
  • State of Montana –  Future of Long-term Care for Veterans Survey 🎖️
  • Borger, TX –  Downtown Revitalization Perceptions and Desired Changes Survey 🌆
  • San Marcos, TX – Employee Engagement and Benefits Survey 🧑‍💼
  • Woodstock, VA – Shenandoah Valley Artfest Survey 🎨

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